Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why Can't There Be Locks?

Entering college signals a huge transformation period for new students that can be quite dramatic for them. The new students have to acquaint themselves with new people, school work, schedules, and living conditions. One of my biggest fears was moving into a dorm with people I do not know and who I potentially might not like. Luckily for me I have become really close with my room mate and I feel blessed because she has become one of my closest friends but I cannot say the same for one of my suite mates.

From the beginning of the year my room mate and have been having problems because we have a thief in the room. And when I say thief I do not mean valuables have gone missing but we always have snacks in the room that would randomly disappear. At first it was not a huge deal to us because if our suite mate (I will refer to her as sticky fingers) would have asked to take our food we most likely would have given it to her but it did bother us a little that they would come into our room and take it without permission. But the more snacks that would randomly go missing the more it bothered me. But what really upset me was my room mate told me that one time sticky fingers came in our room while she was there and told my room mate that she was going to take one of my mints. This does not seem like a big deal but my mints were in a closed box that I have never left open so therefore my only conclusion is that she has been going through my things while I am gone. I still did not want to say anything to sticky fingers because I did not want to get in an uncomfortable situation with the person I have to live very closely with for the entire year. Unfortunately for my room mate and I the situation escalated...

One day our suite mates got in a huge fight causing a huge tension between them, but my room mate and I were dragged into it. At first I was not on either side because their issues were none of my business but I slowly became more perturbed with sticky fingers. One time I was leaving my last class so I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from my other suite mate (I will refer to her as X) telling me that the sticky fingers was using my computer. I was so angry because she has no right to come into my room and use my things without my permission. But I had no proof so I just decided I would not start another confrontation. But then the next day after I got home from my morning classes I got onto my webmail and oddly enough I was logged into sticky fingers’ account. And as mad as I was, I was a little excited I had the proof I needed to confront her about entering our room. Ironically the moment I realized she had been on my computer Sticky fingers knocked on the door and came in to ask me a question. Before she asked her question I asked her whether she had been on my computer this morning. She immediately said that she never used it which infuriated me because now she was lying to my face. Then she explained that she logged on to webmail yesterday because my room mate told her it was alright. (Later I asked my room mate if she gave Sticky fingers permission to use my computer and my room mate told me that she never asked.) But I knew this was false because I had logged onto my webmail that morning so there is no possible way she still could have been logged into her account. By the next day I had had enough so confronted her about everything that had been bugging me and told her I knew she had been lying to me. She was very apologetic and promised me she would stop coming into our room which was nice to hear but still did not make me any more comfortable with the fact that we can not lock our door to keep Sticky Fingers out.

As I had mentioned earlier, the main problem in the room was not between Sticky Fingers and me but rather between our two suite mates. The more time that went on the more problems they had which made it hard for me not to take sides. Sticky Fingers had early classes while X had late classes so Sticky Fingers would be ridiculously loud in the morning while X was trying to sleep. Sticky Fingers began slamming the door as hard as she could, blow drying her hair with the door open, turning all the lights on in the morning just to make X angry. I thought this was really childish on Sticky Fingers’ part which made me side with X more. The moment Sticky Fingers realized I was still friends with X is the moment she began to annoy me too. Recently she bought a radio that she decided had to go into our bathroom. From there she decided she would turn the volume all the way up which made it impossible for me to study. At first I was angry but I did not say anything so I left the room to study. Later that day the music was still blaring so my room mate told her she needed to study so she turned the volume down but five seconds later Sticky Fingers had turned it back up. Then X asked her to turn the volume down but once again she refused. That same night Sticky Fingers turned on the radio again but this time I decided I would ask her to lower the volume. When I asked she told me I could lower it but that she needed it so she could study. Then I lowered the volume a substantial amount which she did not approve of because she said she could not hear it. So I asked her why she could not put the speakers in her room but her exact response was “Because I like them there.” I could feel my face turning bright red but I continued to speak calmly and I asked her how am I supposed to study and once again she said “That is not my problem.” 

This was the most recent negative encounter I have had with Sticky Fingers but we still have to get ready at the same time in the morning and pretend like everything is fine. I am so upset that I have to live in a room filled with awkward tension that continues to escalate. My dorm is my new home and now I have to deal with this stressful living situation along with the stress that comes from school. What do you do when you are forced to live in a room with a girl that you obviously dislike and have issues with but she pretends that nothing is wrong?