Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dangers of Driving Home

When I was driving home for Thanksgiving Break all I could think, or worry, about was how many bad drivers I was going to encounter on the way home. I feel nearly half the driving population has absolutely no idea what they are doing behind the wheel of a very dangerous automobile. Every time I have driven from Dallas to Houston or Houston to Dallas I have come really close to getting into a serious accident because other drivers either have road rage or are paying absolutely no attention to what they are doing while they are going at speeds of 65+. One time a man was chatting away on his phone and did not realize he was coming into my lane until I was forced to swerve into the shoulder. Another time a man realized he was in the wrong lane so he swerved into my lane forcing me to slam on my brakes to avoid him hitting me. (We were also on an overpass that was probably at least 100 feet above the ground so had I not been paying attention that could have been a very scary accident.) I encounter so many negligent drivers; women fixing their make up, a mother literally turned around yelling at her kids, and a man rocking out to music with his eyes closed half the time. I one time saw a website called Top 10 Worst Women Drivers, and although it is really funny, it is really scary to think people managed to get themselves in such a situation while behind the wheel:


I think that the government should be more strict on giving out licenses because the risk of driving is so high currently because people just do not think about the consequences of their idiotic acts behind the wheel. Another way dangerous driving situations could be prevented was if the police were willing to stop paying so much attention to people who do not fully stop at stop signs and be more active on highways where they major accidents occur. As much as I hate cops while I am driving home because they force me to drive slower and arrive later, people need to be penalized for driving like maniacs or blatantly ignoring the road ahead of them. 


kamau said...

I agree 100% the people in texas are kinda wreckless!!

JLar said...

I agree with what you are saying; many people should not be allowed to be on the road. Back home I was involved in 2 accidents, both of which were not my fault. I hate to generalize, but from my experience I have found Asians to be terrible drivers. Both of my accidents were caused by Asians; in one accident an Asian middle-aged woman "didn't see the light turn red" and in the other accident I was rear ended by a teenaged Asian in his Honda Civic who had misjudged the distance between our cars. To be fair, I don't think all Asians are potential road threats, only the ones who have the squinty eyes. This perpetual squint decreases the optical vision as well as the depth perception of full blooded Asian drivers and consequently makes them hazards on the road. Back home there is an unofficial derogatory term designated for these people: "DWA-Driving while Asian". To go a step further, let's be honest, how many Asian drivers do you see in NASCAR or Formula One? My point exactly. So my advice to you is to steer clear (literally) of these potential road hazards.